Silicasys Technology allows you to specify from within your Reseller Control Panel a set of Default Name Servers. These Name Servers are pre-filled, when you or your Customer attempts to register a domain name.
Login to your Control Panel. See details
In the Menu, point to Settings and click Branding Settings.
Click the Name Servers tab.
Under the Default Name Servers For Domain Registration section, click the Edit your default Name Servers for Domain Registration link.
Mention up to 4 distinct Name Servers that you wish to set as your default Name Servers.
Click the Submit button.
You are required to provide 4 distinct Name Servers. The below error message will be encountered if you repeat any Name Server:
Duplicate values for Nameserver
If desired, the default Name Servers may be replaced by your Customer during the domain name Registration process.
If you have chosen your Partially/Fully Branded Name Servers as your Default Name Servers, you are required to use all the 4 Partially/Fully Branded Name Servers so as to avoid unavailability of services, in the event any of these Name Servers is unable to handle DNS requests due to a downtime.
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The SuperSite pre-fills your Default Name Servers during the Domain Name Registration process. This data is downloaded to your SuperSite from your Control Panel and cached (stored) on the SuperSite Server. Hence, you would need to refresh the cache of your SuperSite once you have completed the above process. You can accomplish this from within your Control Panel itself by clicking Tools -> Reload SuperSite & PartnerSite Cache -> SuperSite & PartnerSite Reseller Branding.
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Customers can also set their own default Name Servers. Default Name Servers, if specified by a Customer, will always override the default Name Servers set by you.
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